Are conferences worth it?
Welcome to your first glance at Confetti Night. I won't even tell you how many of these beauties you'll see there. Maybe enough to fill a swimming pool, maybe not. I guess you'll just have to see. Is anyone else as obsessed with tissue paper balls as I am? I’ve gotten the same question over and over these last few weeks, “why?” Why do I do what I do? Why put in all these hours of work for a silly conference? The answer will always be the same. It is worth it.
I’ve been to a fair share of conferences myself and I always leave with the same high, a type of motivation and excitement. A conference lets you use parts of your brain you thought you left on the graduation stage all those years ago. You get a chance to leave everything at home, (bills, soccer practices, responsibilities) and reflect where you are in life and where you want to be.
There's something really empowering about knowing more today than you did yesterday, that your brain isn’t idol and you really are that smart person you thought you were (that AWESOME person you know you are). There’s something really cool about sitting in a class and knowing the speaker is speaking right to you, you are the only one in the room. It’s not about changing who you are, just helping you gain that confidence you’ve tucked away somewhere.
Here’s to progress and never settling for mediocrity or staying the same. Let's fall in love with learning, fall in love with bettering our life.
I introduce to you Confetti Night. A day conference for everyday women to become better, get inspired and have one heck of a good time. Let’s make some friends, learn, and create epic memories! To me, these moments are life changing and the reason I’ll happily stay up countless nights organizing a silly conference. I’ll wear my dark under-eye circles proudly. I want everyone to feel that high and become motivated in their life again. Experience Confetti Night with me.
Are conferences worth it? You are worth it!
Speaker and sponsor details are here. Get your tickets here.